SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

s3cmd notes

s3cmd is an intuitive way to work with Amazon's S3 on the command line. I first tried s3cmd based on the Alex Clemesha's recommendation. Here are my notes. I'm running on Ubuntu Karmic.

Install s3cmd

$ sudo apt-get install s3cmd

Configure s3cmd

$ s3cmd --configure
Enter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.
Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.

Access key and Secret key are your identifiers for Amazon S3

Encryption password is used to protect your files from reading
by unauthorized persons while in transfer to S3
Encryption password: XXXXX
Path to GPG program [/usr/bin/gpg]: 

When using secure HTTPS protocol all communication with Amazon S3
servers is protected from 3rd party eavesdropping. This method is
slower than plain HTTP and can't be used if you're behind a proxy
Use HTTPS protocol [No]: yes

New settings:
  Encryption password: XXXXX
  Path to GPG program: /usr/bin/gpg
  Use HTTPS protocol: True
  HTTP Proxy server name: 
  HTTP Proxy server port: 0

Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] 
Please wait...
Success. Your access key and secret key worked fine :-)

Now verifying that encryption works...
Success. Encryption and decryption worked fine :-)

Save settings? [y/N] y
Configuration saved to '/home/saltycrane/.s3cfg'

List all your buckets

$ s3cmd ls

List contents of your bucket

$ s3cmd ls s3://mybucket

Upload a file (and make it public)

$ s3cmd -P put /path/to/local/file.jpg s3://mybucket/my/prefix/file.jpg

Delete a file

$ s3cmd del s3://mybucket/my/prefix/file.jpg

Get help

$ s3cmd --help
Usage: s3cmd [options] COMMAND [parameters]

S3cmd is a tool for managing objects in Amazon S3 storage. It allows for
making and removing "buckets" and uploading, downloading and removing
"objects" from these buckets.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --configure           Invoke interactive (re)configuration tool.
  -c FILE, --config=FILE
                        Config file name. Defaults to /home/saltycrane/.s3cfg
  --dump-config         Dump current configuration after parsing config files
                        and command line options and exit.
  -n, --dry-run         Only show what should be uploaded or downloaded but
                        don't actually do it. May still perform S3 requests to
                        get bucket listings and other information though (only
                        for file transfer commands)
  -e, --encrypt         Encrypt files before uploading to S3.
  --no-encrypt          Don't encrypt files.
  -f, --force           Force overwrite and other dangerous operations.
  --continue            Continue getting a partially downloaded file (only for
                        [get] command).
  --skip-existing       Skip over files that exist at the destination (only
                        for [get] and [sync] commands).
  -r, --recursive       Recursive upload, download or removal.
  -P, --acl-public      Store objects with ACL allowing read for anyone.
  --acl-private         Store objects with default ACL allowing access for you
  --delete-removed      Delete remote objects with no corresponding local file
  --no-delete-removed   Don't delete remote objects.
  -p, --preserve        Preserve filesystem attributes (mode, ownership,
                        timestamps). Default for [sync] command.
  --no-preserve         Don't store FS attributes
  --exclude=GLOB        Filenames and paths matching GLOB will be excluded
                        from sync
  --exclude-from=FILE   Read --exclude GLOBs from FILE
  --rexclude=REGEXP     Filenames and paths matching REGEXP (regular
                        expression) will be excluded from sync
  --rexclude-from=FILE  Read --rexclude REGEXPs from FILE
  --include=GLOB        Filenames and paths matching GLOB will be included
                        even if previously excluded by one of
                        --(r)exclude(-from) patterns
  --include-from=FILE   Read --include GLOBs from FILE
  --rinclude=REGEXP     Same as --include but uses REGEXP (regular expression)
                        instead of GLOB
  --rinclude-from=FILE  Read --rinclude REGEXPs from FILE
                        Datacentre to create bucket in. Either EU or US
  -m MIME/TYPE, --mime-type=MIME/TYPE
                        Default MIME-type to be set for objects stored.
  -M, --guess-mime-type
                        Guess MIME-type of files by their extension. Falls
                        back to default MIME-Type as specified by --mime-type
                        Add a given HTTP header to the upload request. Can be
                        used multiple times. For instance set 'Expires' or
                        'Cache-Control' headers (or both) using this options
                        if you like.
  --encoding=ENCODING   Override autodetected terminal and filesystem encoding
                        (character set). Autodetected: UTF-8
  --list-md5            Include MD5 sums in bucket listings (only for 'ls'
  -H, --human-readable-sizes
                        Print sizes in human readable form (eg 1kB instead of
  --progress            Display progress meter (default on TTY).
  --no-progress         Don't display progress meter (default on non-TTY).
  --enable              Enable given CloudFront distribution (only for
                        [cfmodify] command)
  --disable             Enable given CloudFront distribution (only for
                        [cfmodify] command)
  --cf-add-cname=CNAME  Add given CNAME to a CloudFront distribution (only for
                        [cfcreate] and [cfmodify] commands)
                        Remove given CNAME from a CloudFront distribution
                        (only for [cfmodify] command)
  --cf-comment=COMMENT  Set COMMENT for a given CloudFront distribution (only
                        for [cfcreate] and [cfmodify] commands)
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output.
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.
  --version             Show s3cmd version (0.9.9) and exit.

  Make bucket
      s3cmd mb s3://BUCKET
  Remove bucket
      s3cmd rb s3://BUCKET
  List objects or buckets
      s3cmd ls [s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]]
  List all object in all buckets
      s3cmd la 
  Put file into bucket
      s3cmd put FILE [FILE...] s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]
  Get file from bucket
      s3cmd get s3://BUCKET/OBJECT LOCAL_FILE
  Delete file from bucket
      s3cmd del s3://BUCKET/OBJECT
  Synchronize a directory tree to S3
      s3cmd sync LOCAL_DIR s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX] or s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX] LOCAL_DIR
  Disk usage by buckets
      s3cmd du [s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]]
  Get various information about Buckets or Files
      s3cmd info s3://BUCKET[/OBJECT]
  Copy object
      s3cmd cp s3://BUCKET1/OBJECT1 s3://BUCKET2[/OBJECT2]
  Move object
      s3cmd mv s3://BUCKET1/OBJECT1 s3://BUCKET2[/OBJECT2]
  Modify Access control list for Bucket or Files
      s3cmd setacl s3://BUCKET[/OBJECT]
  List CloudFront distribution points
      s3cmd cflist
  Display CloudFront distribution point parameters
      s3cmd cfinfo [cf://DIST_ID]
  Create CloudFront distribution point
      s3cmd cfcreate s3://BUCKET
  Delete CloudFront distribution point
      s3cmd cfdelete cf://DIST_ID
  Change CloudFront distribution point parameters
      s3cmd cfmodify cf://DIST_ID

See program homepage for more information at


#1 Jaya commented on :


I followed this site and was able to download the data from s3 for a single client.But i wanted it for multiple clients, so is it possible to provide s3 credentials with each get command.

I am waiting for your reply.

Thank You.

#2 Luffy commented on :

Replying to the comment above:

Why don't you supply different s3cmd configuration for each different s3 credentials by invoking this flag --config=FILE when calling s3cmd? Save each S3 credential into a different s3cmd configuration file and reference them separately. Kinda late for the reply.

#3 bobby commented on :

how would i connect to Eucalyptus 2.0.3 Walrus (open-source) using s3cmd ?

#4 Sayan commented on :

How can I upload multiple directories into s3 bucket........Will the s3cmd put command work in this case?? I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. ThankYou.

#5 Ronnie commented on :

Hello, How do i install this script to backup my website on a cpanel shared Linux host? I really need it but have no idea on how to install it. I will be happy to hear from you.

Thank you
