SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

Example pie charts using python and matplotlib

I needed to make some pie charts and didn't like the results I got from Excel. It was too hard to customize the plots exactly the way I wanted them. I have used Matlab before and I preferred Matlab to Excel. However, Python is my favorite thing to use so I searched for python and matlab on Google and found matplotlib. Matplotlib is a matlab-like plotting library for Python. You can get matplotlib from, but it is also bundled with the Enthought version of Python so I got it from there. Update: I realized that the Enthought bundle didn't include the latest version of matplotlib so I installed the latest version of matplotlib and the required NumPy as well.

1. Download enthought version of Python 2.4.3 from (Click on the "enthon-python2.4-1.0.0.exe" link is at the bottom of the page) and install it.
2. Download "numpy-1.0.1.win32-py2.4.exe" from and install it.
3. Download "matplotlib-0.87.7.win32-py2.4.exe" from and install it.
3. Open a text editor and type this inside:
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" for the docstring.
from pylab import *

# create figure
figwidth = 10.0    # inches
figheight = 3.5   # inches
figure(1, figsize=(figwidth, figheight))
rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16.0
rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12.0
rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12.0
explode=(0.05, 0.0)
Ncols = 3
plotheight = figwidth/Ncols
H = plotheight/figheight
W = 1.0 / Ncols
margin = 0.1
left = [W*margin, W*(1+margin), W*(2+margin)]
bottom = H*margin
width = W*(1-2*margin)
height = H*(1-2*margin)

# cpu utilization
utilized = 10.0
free = 100.0 - utilized
fracs = [utilized, free]
axes([left[0], bottom, width, height])
patches = pie(fracs, colors=colors, explode=explode, autopct='%1.f%%', shadow=True)
title('CPU Throughput')
legend((patches[0], patches[2]), ('Processing', 'Idle'), loc=(0,-.05))

# ROM utilization
utilized = 30.0
free = 100.0 - utilized
fracs = [utilized, free]
axes([left[1], bottom, width, height])
patches = pie(fracs, colors=colors, explode=explode, autopct='%1.f%%', shadow=True)
title('ROM Memory Usage')
legend((patches[0], patches[2]), ('Used', 'Unused'), loc=(0,-.05))

# RAM utilization
utilized = 15.0
free = 100.0 - utilized
fracs = [utilized, free]
axes([left[2], bottom, width, height])
patches = pie(fracs, colors=colors, explode=explode, autopct='%1.f%%', shadow=True)
title('RAM Memory Usage')
legend((patches[0], patches[2]), ('Used', 'Unused'), loc=(0,-.05))

4. Save the file as in c:\temp
5. In Windows, go to Start -> All Programs -> Python 2.4 (Enthought Edition) -> IPython Shell
6. Type in "cd c:\temp"
7. Type "run" and hit enter
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#1 lita22 commented on :

hi there,
Drawing of chart's has become very easy and amazing thanks to visifire

#2 alphydan commented on :


"Visifire is a set of data visualization controls - powered by Microsoft"

Are you kidding? :) on a blog on Emacs, Python and Ubuntu, he,he,he

#3 Mathieu commented on :

Thanks for matplotlib demonstration.

You're close to have something that can draws any number of piechart.

left = [ (W*(id+margin) for id in xrange(NCols) ]