SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

Notes on using EC2 command line tools

Create AWS accounts
Create a X.509 Certificate

Note: A X.509 Certificate is one type of Access Identifier. Access Identifiers are used to "identify yourself as the sender of a request to an AWS web service". There are two types of access identifiers: AWS Access Key Identifiers and X.509 Certificates. AWS Access Key Identifiers are supported by all Amazon Web Services and X.509 Certificates are supported only by Amazon's EC2 and SQS services (see here for the chart). However, for some reason, the popular Java command line tools for EC2 only support X.509 Certificates (and not AWS Access Key Identifiers).

  • From Your Account page, select Access Identifiers.
  • In the "X.509 Certificate" section, click "Create New".
  • Download both the "Private Key" file and the "X.509 Certificate" file to the directory, ~/.ec2. (The private key file will be named something like pk-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pem and the X.509 Certificate file will be named something like cert-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pem.)
Install Java

The command line tools require Java version 5 or later. Only the JRE is required.

  • $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
Download Java Command-line Tools
Define environment variables
  • Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc (or wherever you set your environment variables).
    export EC2_HOME=$HOME/lib/ec2-api-tools-1.3-24159
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr
    export EC2_CERT=$HOME/.ec2/cert-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pem
    export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
  • Source your .bashrc or whichever file you used
    $ source ~/.bashrc
Test the command-line tools
  • Run the ec2-describe-images command to verify everything is working. It should list all the Ubuntu 8.xx images from Alestic.
    $ ec2-describe-images -a | grep alestic/ubuntu-8
    IMAGE   ami-3a7c9953    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080419.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-75789d1c    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080424.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-ce44a1a7    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080430.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-2048ad49    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080514.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-6a57b203    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080517.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-26bc584f    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080628.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-179e7a7e    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080803.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-c0fa1ea9    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080905.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-38d43051    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080922.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-1cd73375    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080924.manifest.xml    063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-337c995a    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080419.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-4f789d26    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080424.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-f744a19e    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080430.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-1f4bae76    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080514.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-0e57b267    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080517.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-b5bc58dc    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080628.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-f39e7a9a    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080803.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-44c4202d    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080905.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-f7d4309e    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080922.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-88d733e1    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-desktop-20080924.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-bcbe5ad5    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080701.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-27b95d4e    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080703.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-b1ea0ed8    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080824.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-47c4202e    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080905.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-f4d4309d    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080922.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-89d733e0    alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-rightscale-20080924.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-dcbc58b5    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080628.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-db9e7ab2    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080804.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-9de105f4    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080814.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-c3fa1eaa    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080905.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-3bd43052    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080922.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-1ad73373    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-base-20080924.manifest.xml 063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-b6bc58df    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080628.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-d69e7abf    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080804.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-d4e206bd    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080815.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-7dc22614    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080908.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-f5d4309c    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080922.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    IMAGE   ami-b6d733df    alestic/ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-desktop-20080924.manifest.xml      063491364108    available       public          i386    machine aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
Generate a keypair

In the second step, I generated a keypair as my X.509 Certificate. That was used to identifiy myself to Amazon Web Services. Now I need to create another keypair which is used to log into a running EC2 instance. (Note, there is exactly one X.509 Certificate per user (i.e. AWS account), but a user can have many keypairs used for logging into various EC2 instances.) See also the Generating a keypair section in the Getting Started Guide.

  • Generate the keypair. I named the keypair, disco-keypair because I will use this keypair with EC2 instances used to try out Disco.
    $ ec2-add-keypair disco-keypair > ~/.ec2/id_rsa-disco-keypair
  • Set the permissions on the private key
    chmod 600 ~/.ec2/id_rsa-disco-keypair
Run an EC2 instance
  • Select an image to run. I used the alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080924 image with image ID ami-1cd73375.
  • Run the instance
    $ ec2-run-instances -k disco-keypair ami-1cd73375
    It should return something like:
    RESERVATION     r-568f5d3f      719606167433    default
    INSTANCE        i-339f3c5a      ami-1cd73375                    pending disco-keypair       0               m1.small        2008-09-28T00:50:35+0000        us-east-1c aki-a71cf9ce     ari-a51cf9cc
  • Check the status of the running instance:
    $ ec2-describe-instances
    After a short period of time, it should return something like:
    RESERVATION     r-568f5d3f      719606167433    default
    INSTANCE        i-339f3c5a      ami-1cd73375       ip-10-251-30-10.ec2.internal     running disco-keypair   0               m1.small        2008-09-28T00:50:35+0000us-east-1c       aki-a71cf9ce    ari-a51cf9cc
    Note the address This is the external address used to connect to the instance. Also note the instance ID i-339f3c5a. This is needed to terminate the instance.
  • Authorize access to the instance through ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (http)
    $ ec2-authorize default -p 22
          GROUP           default
    PERMISSION              default ALLOWS  tcp     22      22      FROM    CIDR
    $ ec2-authorize default -p 80
    GROUP           default
    PERMISSION              default ALLOWS  tcp     80      80      FROM    CIDR
SSH into instance
  • Use the address from the previous step to SSH into your instance:
    $ ssh -i ~/.ec2/id_rsa-disco-keypair -l root
Terminate the instance
  • $ ec2-terminate-instance i-339f3c5a
    which returns:
    INSTANCE        i-339f3c5a      running shutting-down
  • Running ec2-describe-instances shows that the instance is terminated.
    $ ec2-describe-instances 
    RESERVATION     r-568f5d3f      719606167433    default
    INSTANCE        i-339f3c5a      ami-1cd73375                    terminated      disco-keypair       0               m1.small        2008-09-28T00:50:35+0000           aki-a71cf9ce     ari-a51cf9cc
