SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

How to install Easy Install for Python

Update 2009-03-31:
How to install Easy Install on Ubuntu Linux
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential

How to install Easy Install on Windows
  1. Go to
  2. Right click on "" and save the file to "c:\temp"
  3. Open a cmd.exe prompt
  4. "cd c:\temp"
  5. "python"

How to install Easy Install on Cygwin
  1. $ cd /tmp
  2. $ wget
  3. $ python


#1 etuleu commented on :

thanks for the ubuntu installation!

#2 Ahmed commented on :

Thanks This helped to install django on my Ubunto server!!

#3 thank you commented on :

thank you.

is it not nearly farcical that the linux community has made it that a search for "how to install easyinstall" even possible?

#4 wing commented on :

it really works, thank you!